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Optimizing Nutrient Balance in Wastewater Management Systems

Optimizing Nutrient Balance in Wastewater Management Systems

The excess use of fertilisers and other nutrient boosters contributes to high nutrient pollution. Heightened nutrient content aids in algae growth and causes various waterborne diseases in humans and animals. Therefore, optimising the nutrient balance of wastewater is a must before releasing it into streams. Doing so saves aquatic ecosystems and numerous lives.

In this blog, we will explore the nutrient balance in wastewater, its importance, and various methods to optimise them. Also, we will know the role of aerobic bacteria in nutrient balance. 

A] Understanding Nutrient Balance In Wastewater

Nutrient balance in wastewater refers to optimising the nutrient by assessing the level of the polluting content presented in the wastewater. Maintaining the nutrient balance is crucial to maintain optimal microbial efficiency and regulatory compliance. Nutrients such as carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorous are the crucial elements that aid in microbial growth. These microbes require a specific nutritional ratio to degrade the water pollutants at maximum efficiency. The ratio of these nutrients is denoted by ‘C: N: P’ and must be maintained between 100:5:1 and 100:10:1 for optimal microbial activities. However, Excess nutrients will begin the eutrophication process and cause algae growth which lately hampers the aquatic ecosystem and external environment. 

B] Importance of Optimizing Nutrient Balance

1. Regulatory Compliance

The optimisation of nutrients during wastewater treatment is essential to adhere to the regulatory guidelines. These guidelines ensure that the discharging of nutrients meets the established standards. Regulatory compliances limit the level of nitrogen, phosphorous, and other micronutrients that can be released into the water streams. Adhering to these compliances and maintaining the nutrient balance ensure smooth operations of wastewater treatment plants. 

2. Environmental Protection

A high concentration of nutrient content in water allows the process of eutrophication which further fosters the algae growth. Rapid algal species growths create a green layer over the water and brutally hampers the water ecosystem. The algal bloom drastically reduces the water quality. They release chemical toxins that contaminate the water and thus cause several waterborne diseases to animals and humans. An adequate level of nutrients prevents algal bloom and promotes water and environmental safety. 

3. Operational Efficiency

An optimal balance of nutrients in wastewater treatment fosters efficient biological wastewater treatment. The lack of nutrients hampers the removal of BOD from wastewater while an abundance of nutrients promotes the low level of oxygen dissolved. Therefore, an optimum balance of nutrients is required to maintain the optimal operational efficiency of wastewater treatment plants. 

C] Methods For Optimising Nutrient Balance

1. Biological Nutrient Removal (BNR)

Biological nutrient removal facilitates total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) removal for wastewater using microorganisms. In this process, millions of aerobic digesters are suspended in the wastewater to remove the nitrogen and phosphorous. Most nutrients are removed using a combination of aerobic and anaerobic wastewater treatment processes. The BNR technique aids in the safe discharge of treated water within the acceptable nutrient limit.

2. Chemical Treatment

Chemicals are widely used in water treatment plants to reduce nitrogen and phosphorous concentration. During the treatment, specific chemicals are added to wastewater to precipitate or transform these nutrients into forms that can be easily removed. The benefits of using chemical treatment include scalability and reliability while it is an expensive process. 

3. Integrated Approaches

Integrated approaches to the removal of nutrients in wastewater involve the combination of physical, chemical and biological methods to achieve optimal results. These combinations of approaches leverage the strengths of individual methods while compensating for their limitations. Doing so offers more efficient and effective nutrient management.

Ready to Implement Sustainable Wastewater Solutions? Explore More About Effective Management Practices.

D] Role Of Aerobic Bacteria Cultures In Nutrient Balance

1. Introduction To Aerobic Bacteria

Aerobic bacteria are single-celled microorganisms that grow and survive in aerobic environments. They use specific enzymes to break the organic matter and harvest the energy from decomposed organic contaminants using an oxidation process. They evolve and thrive using this harvested energy. These aerobic bacteria are used to degrade and remove water pollutants. They are used in a variety of wastewater treatments such as treatment of industrial wastewater, ETP water treatment and so on. 

2. Nutrient Removal

Aerobic cultures are widely used to remove the nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorous from the wastewater. The removal of nitrogen can be done through nitrification and anoxic denitrifications. furthermore, phosphorous removal can be accomplished through the enhanced biological phosphorous removal process (EBPR). 

3. Enhanced Biodegradation

Aerobic microbes are prevalent in removing water pollutants effectively and efficiently, fostering enhanced biodegradation. Since aerobic bacteria feed on nutrients to thrive and survive, they effectively aid in removing the nutrients from the wastewater. This fundamental property of aerobic microbes ensures the maximum nutrient removal and safe discharge of treated water within the nutrient limits. 

4. Specific Products And Their Benefits

There are various ranges of products that promote optimum bacterial growth in order to remove the nutrients from wastewater. A product called aerobic ammoniacal nitrogen offers effective removal of nitrogen compounds from wastewater using bacterial consortium formulation. It uses extracellular enzymes to quickly increase the degradation of organic matter to prevent decomposition. The quick degradation and decomposition prevention mitigate the chances of anomia formation and foster the nutrient removal process.  

PureBact 10 is a cost-effective solution for tough-to-treat organic contaminants. It can used in both aerobic and anaerobic wastewater treatment. PureBact 10 significantly reduces the BOD/COD level of wastewater by decreasing the organic load and hence aids in nutrient removal.

Further, also read: Role of Aerobic Microorganisms Used in Wastewater Treatment 


The optimal nutrient balance is essential before discharging the treated water into the streams. It plays a vital role in safeguarding aquatic life and the environment. Optimisation of nutrients helps in adhering to regulatory compliance and ensures the smooth operation of the water treatment plant. 

PureBact is a leading manufacturer and supplier of bacteria culture products. Our products are highly efficient in removing nutrient content from wastewater. Contact us today and optimise wastewater nutrients cost-effectively and efficiently!


Biological wastewater treatment is a natural procedure used for eliminating organic contaminants from wastewater. It uses aerobic microbes to break down organic matter with the help of cellular processes. 


Industrial wastewater usually lacks in nitrogen and phosphorous nutrients required for effective industrial wastewater treatment. It needs an extra booster of nutrients to achieve the optimal level of biological activities. 


A biological nutrient removal treatment plant uses biological processes to remove nitrogen and phosphorous from wastewater. In this process, specialised bacteria are used to remove the nutrients. 

Biological wastewater treatment solution offers a way to remove the organic contamination from wastewater using aerobic bacteria.

Rahul Mehta - Business Development Manager at Pure Water Enterprises

Rahul Mehta

Rahul Mehta is the Business Development Manager at Pure Water Enterprises, one of the fastest-growing water & wastewater companies in India. Specializing in wastewater filtration, disinfection, and bioremediation, his expertise has helped him understand the Indian water treatment landscape and position the organization's innovative and eco-friendly solutions in the most efficient way possible.

The excess use of fertilisers and other nutrient boosters contributes to high nutrient pollution. Heightened nutrient content aids in algae growth and causes various waterborne diseases in humans and animals. Therefore, optimising the nutrient balance of wastewater is a must before releasing it into streams. Doing so saves aquatic ecosystems and numerous lives.

In this blog, we will explore the nutrient balance in wastewater, its importance, and various methods to optimise them. Also, we will know the role of aerobic bacteria in nutrient balance. 

A] Understanding Nutrient Balance In Wastewater

Nutrient balance in wastewater refers to optimising the nutrient by assessing the level of the polluting content presented in the wastewater. Maintaining the nutrient balance is crucial to maintain optimal microbial efficiency and regulatory compliance. Nutrients such as carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorous are the crucial elements that aid in microbial growth. These microbes require a specific nutritional ratio to degrade the water pollutants at maximum efficiency. The ratio of these nutrients is denoted by ‘C: N: P’ and must be maintained between 100:5:1 and 100:10:1 for optimal microbial activities. However, Excess nutrients will begin the eutrophication process and cause algae growth which lately hampers the aquatic ecosystem and external environment. 

B] Importance of Optimizing Nutrient Balance

1. Regulatory Compliance

The optimisation of nutrients during wastewater treatment is essential to adhere to the regulatory guidelines. These guidelines ensure that the discharging of nutrients meets the established standards. Regulatory compliances limit the level of nitrogen, phosphorous, and other micronutrients that can be released into the water streams. Adhering to these compliances and maintaining the nutrient balance ensure smooth operations of wastewater treatment plants. 

2. Environmental Protection

A high concentration of nutrient content in water allows the process of eutrophication which further fosters the algae growth. Rapid algal species growths create a green layer over the water and brutally hampers the water ecosystem. The algal bloom drastically reduces the water quality. They release chemical toxins that contaminate the water and thus cause several waterborne diseases to animals and humans. An adequate level of nutrients prevents algal bloom and promotes water and environmental safety. 

3. Operational Efficiency

An optimal balance of nutrients in wastewater treatment fosters efficient biological wastewater treatment. The lack of nutrients hampers the removal of BOD from wastewater while an abundance of nutrients promotes the low level of oxygen dissolved. Therefore, an optimum balance of nutrients is required to maintain the optimal operational efficiency of wastewater treatment plants. 

C] Methods For Optimising Nutrient Balance

1. Biological Nutrient Removal (BNR)

Biological nutrient removal facilitates total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) removal for wastewater using microorganisms. In this process, millions of aerobic digesters are suspended in the wastewater to remove the nitrogen and phosphorous. Most nutrients are removed using a combination of aerobic and anaerobic wastewater treatment processes. The BNR technique aids in the safe discharge of treated water within the acceptable nutrient limit.

2. Chemical Treatment

Chemicals are widely used in water treatment plants to reduce nitrogen and phosphorous concentration. During the treatment, specific chemicals are added to wastewater to precipitate or transform these nutrients into forms that can be easily removed. The benefits of using chemical treatment include scalability and reliability while it is an expensive process. 

3. Integrated Approaches

Integrated approaches to the removal of nutrients in wastewater involve the combination of physical, chemical and biological methods to achieve optimal results. These combinations of approaches leverage the strengths of individual methods while compensating for their limitations. Doing so offers more efficient and effective nutrient management.

Ready to Implement Sustainable Wastewater Solutions? Explore More About Effective Management Practices.

D] Role Of Aerobic Bacteria Cultures In Nutrient Balance

1. Introduction To Aerobic Bacteria

Aerobic bacteria are single-celled microorganisms that grow and survive in aerobic environments. They use specific enzymes to break the organic matter and harvest the energy from decomposed organic contaminants using an oxidation process. They evolve and thrive using this harvested energy. These aerobic bacteria are used to degrade and remove water pollutants. They are used in a variety of wastewater treatments such as treatment of industrial wastewater, ETP water treatment and so on. 

2. Nutrient Removal

Aerobic cultures are widely used to remove the nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorous from the wastewater. The removal of nitrogen can be done through nitrification and anoxic denitrifications. furthermore, phosphorous removal can be accomplished through the enhanced biological phosphorous removal process (EBPR). 

3. Enhanced Biodegradation

Aerobic microbes are prevalent in removing water pollutants effectively and efficiently, fostering enhanced biodegradation. Since aerobic bacteria feed on nutrients to thrive and survive, they effectively aid in removing the nutrients from the wastewater. This fundamental property of aerobic microbes ensures the maximum nutrient removal and safe discharge of treated water within the nutrient limits. 

4. Specific Products And Their Benefits

There are various ranges of products that promote optimum bacterial growth in order to remove the nutrients from wastewater. A product called aerobic ammoniacal nitrogen offers effective removal of nitrogen compounds from wastewater using bacterial consortium formulation. It uses extracellular enzymes to quickly increase the degradation of organic matter to prevent decomposition. The quick degradation and decomposition prevention mitigate the chances of anomia formation and foster the nutrient removal process.  

PureBact 10 is a cost-effective solution for tough-to-treat organic contaminants. It can used in both aerobic and anaerobic wastewater treatment. PureBact 10 significantly reduces the BOD/COD level of wastewater by decreasing the organic load and hence aids in nutrient removal.

Further, also read: Role of Aerobic Microorganisms Used in Wastewater Treatment 


The optimal nutrient balance is essential before discharging the treated water into the streams. It plays a vital role in safeguarding aquatic life and the environment. Optimisation of nutrients helps in adhering to regulatory compliance and ensures the smooth operation of the water treatment plant. 

PureBact is a leading manufacturer and supplier of bacteria culture products. Our products are highly efficient in removing nutrient content from wastewater. Contact us today and optimise wastewater nutrients cost-effectively and efficiently!


Biological wastewater treatment is a natural procedure used for eliminating organic contaminants from wastewater. It uses aerobic microbes to break down organic matter with the help of cellular processes. 


Industrial wastewater usually lacks in nitrogen and phosphorous nutrients required for effective industrial wastewater treatment. It needs an extra booster of nutrients to achieve the optimal level of biological activities. 


A biological nutrient removal treatment plant uses biological processes to remove nitrogen and phosphorous from wastewater. In this process, specialised bacteria are used to remove the nutrients. 

Biological wastewater treatment solution offers a way to remove the organic contamination from wastewater using aerobic bacteria.

Rahul Mehta - Business Development Manager at Pure Water Enterprises

Rahul Mehta

Rahul Mehta is the Business Development Manager at Pure Water Enterprises, one of the fastest-growing water & wastewater companies in India. Specializing in wastewater filtration, disinfection, and bioremediation, his expertise has helped him understand the Indian water treatment landscape and position the organization's innovative and eco-friendly solutions in the most efficient way possible.

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