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Effluent Treatment Plant

What Is An Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) And Its Uses, Advantages And Workflow

Water is a key instrument in several industrial processes, from washing materials to cooling machines. Naturally, these industrial processes are guilty of producing a large amount of industrial wastewater, also known as effluent water. However, proper management of wastewater can mitigate this problem and help to keep the environment clean.

Effluent treatment plants are one of the most popular and effective methods to do so. In this blog, we are going to discuss various aspects of effluent treatment plants(ETP) including the definition, working, benefits, and differences between ETP and STP.

A] What Is An Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP)?

An effluent water treatment plant is a dedicated treatment plant that is used to treat industrial wastewater using physical, chemical, and biological treatment processes. It discharges the treated wastewater safely into the environment by following environmental regulation compliances. 

By doing so, ETP water treatment safeguards public health and the environment from being impacted by the toxins in industrial wastewater. It cleanses out various toxic contaminants from industrial wastewater and offers safe and clean water for various purposes. 

B] How Does The Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) Work?

There are several ETP processes by which effluent or wastewater has to go through to obtain clean and environmentally disposable water. And, those processes are: 

1. Preliminary Treatment

In the first ETP wastewater treatment process, the effluent goes through the physical screening process where large contaminated particles such as clothes, paper, plastics, and wood logs are separated from the wastewater. Effluent also goes through sedimentation, grit, and a clarifier chamber to remove the subtle contaminated components such as suspended solids and dense inorganic solids before entering into the further treatment process.

2. Primary Treatment

Primary treatment is the process of removing settled solids and organic contaminated compounds. The process involves the physical and chemical processes of treating industrial wastewater. The chemical processes include chemical coagulation, pH control, chemical precipitation, flocculation, and dissolved air flotation to chemically treat the effluent. Meanwhile, the removal of minute solid particles is achieved through the sedimentation and filtration process. 

3. Biological Treatment

Biological treatment involves an activated sludge process, aerated lagoons, trickling filters, and rotating biological contactors to remove biological and organic contamination from the wastewater. In this process, the wastewater is treated using the aerated microbes that feed on pollutants of wastewater and thus remove the organic and inorganic contamination from the industrial effluent. 

4. Tertiary Treatment 

In this final stage of treatment, effluent is raised to the desired quality level before releasing into the environment safely. The processes involved in this tertiary treatment are chemical coagulation and sedimentation, filtration, reverse osmosis, and UV disinfection. These processes ensure the safe discharge of clean water into the environment as per the compliances. 

C] Benefits Of Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP)

ETPs are renowned for their contamination removal properties by following effective and cost-saving processes. Apart from that, the effluent treatment plant offers various advantages that further benefit industries and promote environmental sustainability.

1. Reusability of Industrial and Sewage Wastewater

ETP removes the dangerous contamination from industrial and sewage water, making it safe for reuse. The cleaned water can be used again for various industrial and agricultural purposes. In addition, Treating wastewater promotes the reusability of wastewater and saves fresh water for non-industrial requirements like drinking. 

2. Ensures The Regulation Compliance 

Industries can not release untreated water directly into the environment by law. Industries need to follow strict guidelines regarding the disposal of wastewater into the environment. ETP treats wastewater as per government regulations and saves industries from any legal consequences. 

3. Optimum Utilisation Of Water

ETPs ensure the optimum use of water by treating the wastewater and reusing it again to reduce the harvesting of fresh groundwater. Treatment of wastewater ensures the optimum utilisation of resources without putting a load of groundwater. 

4. Disease Prevention

Removal of pathogens and disinfection of the wastewater mitigate the chances of spreading waterborne diseases. Effective treatment of wastewater eliminates the disease-causing microorganisms, viruses, and bacteria and secures the environment from being infected with waterborne diseases. 

Curious About Effluent Treatment Plants (ETP) and Their Benefits? Learn More About Their Uses, Advantages, and Workflow. Ready to Implement One?

D] Difference Between Sewage Treatment Plants (STP) and Effluent Treatment Plants(ETP) 

Although both plants are used to treat wastewater, they have their differences. Here are some differences between STP and ETP:

1. Source Of Wastewater

Effluent treatment plant (ETP) majorly treats industrial wastewater. ETPs treat wastewater coming from industries such as pharmaceuticals, dairy, mechanical, and textile. During the treatment process, various organic compounds and solid compounds like micropollutants, sand, debris, and grit are removed through various cleaning procedures.

On the other hand, sewage treatment plants (STP) majorly treat domestic, sewage, and municipal wastewater. In this treatment process, various contaminants such as micropollutants, organic compounds, and so on are removed to make odor-free potable water. 

2. Composition Of Wastewater

Effluent treatment plant (ETP) effluents are complex in terms of contamination contents. Industrial wastewater is filled with various polluting contents like heavy metals, toxic pathogens, oil and grease, and hazardous materials. STP mainly contains less toxic pollutants than ETP. It contains food waste, fertilisers, animal waste, and so on. 

3. Treatment Process 

ETP deals with the more complex nature of wastewater that contains a variety of hazardous pollutants. These pollutants need more complex treatment procedures to remove contaminations from industrial wastewater. While STP treats household wastewater contaminants like pathogens and dissolved and suspended solids. These pollutants are removed by the various sewage treatment procedures to avail the water for reuse purposes. STP-treated effluent can be used for fulfilling household water needs such as bathing, drinking, and washing.

4. Regulatory Compliances 

Effluent treatment plants (ETP) have to go through the more strict guidelines regulated by the local government. These guidelines are mandated to be followed by the industries due to the health and environmental consequences of industrial wastewater. For example, there are strict guidelines against the effluent treatment plants in the pharmaceutical industry. While STP has to follow the standard guidelines before releasing the effluent for reuse purposes. For example, there are standard guidelines that have to be followed by the effluent treatment plant for the dairy industry.

Further, also read: What Is A Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) And How Does It Work?

E] Why Choose PureBact For Your Wastewater Treatment Needs?

PureBact is a pioneer organisation that offers effective and sustainable wastewater treatment solutions with its highly effective range of aerobic bacteria cultures. PureBact has deep expertise and experience in treating various wastewater effluent with cutting-edge biotechnology and a deep understanding of water treatment challenges. 


Industrial wastewater, also known as effluent poses a serious threat to the safety of the environment, water bodies, and public health. Effluent treatment plants (ETPs) are dedicated facilities to process this wastewater and make it suitable for reuse. There are several benefits to opting for an ETP for cleansing.

PureBact’s highly concentrated bacteria culture products are often used by ETPs to make the process easier. It effectively reduces BOD & COD and also minimizes the odor during wastewater treatment. Contact us today to know more about the details of our products.

Rahul Mehta - Business Development Manager at Pure Water Enterprises

Rahul Mehta

Rahul Mehta is the Business Development Manager at Pure Water Enterprises, one of the fastest-growing water & wastewater companies in India. Specializing in wastewater filtration, disinfection, and bioremediation, his expertise has helped him understand the Indian water treatment landscape and position the organization's innovative and eco-friendly solutions in the most efficient way possible.

Water is a key instrument in several industrial processes, from washing materials to cooling machines. Naturally, these industrial processes are guilty of producing a large amount of industrial wastewater, also known as effluent water. However, proper management of wastewater can mitigate this problem and help to keep the environment clean.

Effluent treatment plants are one of the most popular and effective methods to do so. In this blog, we are going to discuss various aspects of effluent treatment plants(ETP) including the definition, working, benefits, and differences between ETP and STP.

A] What Is An Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP)?

An effluent water treatment plant is a dedicated treatment plant that is used to treat industrial wastewater using physical, chemical, and biological treatment processes. It discharges the treated wastewater safely into the environment by following environmental regulation compliances. 

By doing so, ETP water treatment safeguards public health and the environment from being impacted by the toxins in industrial wastewater. It cleanses out various toxic contaminants from industrial wastewater and offers safe and clean water for various purposes. 

B] How Does The Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) Work?

There are several ETP processes by which effluent or wastewater has to go through to obtain clean and environmentally disposable water. And, those processes are: 

1. Preliminary Treatment

In the first ETP wastewater treatment process, the effluent goes through the physical screening process where large contaminated particles such as clothes, paper, plastics, and wood logs are separated from the wastewater. Effluent also goes through sedimentation, grit, and a clarifier chamber to remove the subtle contaminated components such as suspended solids and dense inorganic solids before entering into the further treatment process.

2. Primary Treatment

Primary treatment is the process of removing settled solids and organic contaminated compounds. The process involves the physical and chemical processes of treating industrial wastewater. The chemical processes include chemical coagulation, pH control, chemical precipitation, flocculation, and dissolved air flotation to chemically treat the effluent. Meanwhile, the removal of minute solid particles is achieved through the sedimentation and filtration process. 

3. Biological Treatment

Biological treatment involves an activated sludge process, aerated lagoons, trickling filters, and rotating biological contactors to remove biological and organic contamination from the wastewater. In this process, the wastewater is treated using the aerated microbes that feed on pollutants of wastewater and thus remove the organic and inorganic contamination from the industrial effluent. 

4. Tertiary Treatment 

In this final stage of treatment, effluent is raised to the desired quality level before releasing into the environment safely. The processes involved in this tertiary treatment are chemical coagulation and sedimentation, filtration, reverse osmosis, and UV disinfection. These processes ensure the safe discharge of clean water into the environment as per the compliances. 

C] Benefits Of Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP)

ETPs are renowned for their contamination removal properties by following effective and cost-saving processes. Apart from that, the effluent treatment plant offers various advantages that further benefit industries and promote environmental sustainability.

1. Reusability of Industrial and Sewage Wastewater

ETP removes the dangerous contamination from industrial and sewage water, making it safe for reuse. The cleaned water can be used again for various industrial and agricultural purposes. In addition, Treating wastewater promotes the reusability of wastewater and saves fresh water for non-industrial requirements like drinking. 

2. Ensures The Regulation Compliance 

Industries can not release untreated water directly into the environment by law. Industries need to follow strict guidelines regarding the disposal of wastewater into the environment. ETP treats wastewater as per government regulations and saves industries from any legal consequences. 

3. Optimum Utilisation Of Water

ETPs ensure the optimum use of water by treating the wastewater and reusing it again to reduce the harvesting of fresh groundwater. Treatment of wastewater ensures the optimum utilisation of resources without putting a load of groundwater. 

4. Disease Prevention

Removal of pathogens and disinfection of the wastewater mitigate the chances of spreading waterborne diseases. Effective treatment of wastewater eliminates the disease-causing microorganisms, viruses, and bacteria and secures the environment from being infected with waterborne diseases. 

Curious About Effluent Treatment Plants (ETP) and Their Benefits? Learn More About Their Uses, Advantages, and Workflow. Ready to Implement One?

D] Difference Between Sewage Treatment Plants (STP) and Effluent Treatment Plants(ETP) 

Although both plants are used to treat wastewater, they have their differences. Here are some differences between STP and ETP:

1. Source Of Wastewater

Effluent treatment plant (ETP) majorly treats industrial wastewater. ETPs treat wastewater coming from industries such as pharmaceuticals, dairy, mechanical, and textile. During the treatment process, various organic compounds and solid compounds like micropollutants, sand, debris, and grit are removed through various cleaning procedures.

On the other hand, sewage treatment plants (STP) majorly treat domestic, sewage, and municipal wastewater. In this treatment process, various contaminants such as micropollutants, organic compounds, and so on are removed to make odor-free potable water. 

2. Composition Of Wastewater

Effluent treatment plant (ETP) effluents are complex in terms of contamination contents. Industrial wastewater is filled with various polluting contents like heavy metals, toxic pathogens, oil and grease, and hazardous materials. STP mainly contains less toxic pollutants than ETP. It contains food waste, fertilisers, animal waste, and so on. 

3. Treatment Process 

ETP deals with the more complex nature of wastewater that contains a variety of hazardous pollutants. These pollutants need more complex treatment procedures to remove contaminations from industrial wastewater. While STP treats household wastewater contaminants like pathogens and dissolved and suspended solids. These pollutants are removed by the various sewage treatment procedures to avail the water for reuse purposes. STP-treated effluent can be used for fulfilling household water needs such as bathing, drinking, and washing.

4. Regulatory Compliances 

Effluent treatment plants (ETP) have to go through the more strict guidelines regulated by the local government. These guidelines are mandated to be followed by the industries due to the health and environmental consequences of industrial wastewater. For example, there are strict guidelines against the effluent treatment plants in the pharmaceutical industry. While STP has to follow the standard guidelines before releasing the effluent for reuse purposes. For example, there are standard guidelines that have to be followed by the effluent treatment plant for the dairy industry.

Further, also read: What Is A Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) And How Does It Work?

E] Why Choose PureBact For Your Wastewater Treatment Needs?

PureBact is a pioneer organisation that offers effective and sustainable wastewater treatment solutions with its highly effective range of aerobic bacteria cultures. PureBact has deep expertise and experience in treating various wastewater effluent with cutting-edge biotechnology and a deep understanding of water treatment challenges. 


Industrial wastewater, also known as effluent poses a serious threat to the safety of the environment, water bodies, and public health. Effluent treatment plants (ETPs) are dedicated facilities to process this wastewater and make it suitable for reuse. There are several benefits to opting for an ETP for cleansing.

PureBact’s highly concentrated bacteria culture products are often used by ETPs to make the process easier. It effectively reduces BOD & COD and also minimizes the odor during wastewater treatment. Contact us today to know more about the details of our products.

Rahul Mehta - Business Development Manager at Pure Water Enterprises

Rahul Mehta

Rahul Mehta is the Business Development Manager at Pure Water Enterprises, one of the fastest-growing water & wastewater companies in India. Specializing in wastewater filtration, disinfection, and bioremediation, his expertise has helped him understand the Indian water treatment landscape and position the organization's innovative and eco-friendly solutions in the most efficient way possible.

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